100J Bush Road, Albany
Dr Lingfeng Soo Periodontist BDS (Otago), DClinDent (Perio), FRACDS (Perio)
Tel: 09 414 7722
Email: info@periocare.co.nz
Auckland Dentist Locality Guide
Dentist & dentists in Auckland, North Shore, West Auckland, Auckland City, East Auckland and South Auckland.
Below are the your local Albany dentists, Albany hygienists and Albany orthodontic dentists located in Albany, Auckland
100J Bush Road, Albany
Dr Lingfeng Soo Periodontist BDS (Otago), DClinDent (Perio), FRACDS (Perio)
Tel: 09 414 7722
Email: info@periocare.co.nz
43 Apollo Drive, Albany
Dr Jean Lee BDS (Otago), FRACDS
Tel: 09 479 3580
Email: info@serenitydental.co.nz